Showing posts with label CMS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CMS. Show all posts

Thursday, June 23, 2016

How to speed up WordPress Website?

How to speed up WordPress Website?

Here I will share with you guys my experience about How to speed up WordPress website. In the beginning it was quite difficult for me to make it possible, but after searching on internet I fount that if some one follow step by step right procedure then he/she can improve the WordPress website speed. 
As you can seed the above screenshots, it was totally exiting and amazing when I personally saw the correct result.

1. Resize all images

Resize all images specially those images which display on the main page. You can use Adobe Photoshop for that. If you do not have Adobe Photoshop install you can use some image editing online tool for example the one which I use personally is 
When you finished with resizing all your images then before upload it to the media, make sure that to optimize all those images.

2. Optimize - Compress Images 

You must to compress all your images i.e. Optimize all your images after resizing it. I personally used the one online very good tool that gives me very good result. click on the follow link

Compress JPEG Images Online

3. Install and configure W3 total cache

According to W3 total cache developer, W3 total cache is useful for 
Easy Web Performance Optimization (WPO) using caching: browser, page, object, database, minify and content delivery network support.
Click on the following image to download the W3 total cache plugin

 W3 Total Cache

 How to customize the W3 total cache please following the instruction in the given article
Click here to see the W3 total cache customizaion

4. How to Remove query strings from static resources

If you Use "W3 Total Cache" - W3TC you may switch off "Prevent caching of objects after settings change" in Browser Cache.
This removes query strings from static resources.

5. EWWW Image Optimizer

Install and configure EWWW Image Optimizer plugin, click on the following to download the EWWW Image Optimizer
Click here to download EWWW Image Optimizer

6. GZip Ninja Speed Compression — WordPress Plugins

Install and configure GZip Ninja Speed Compression — WordPress Plugins, which is used for according to plugin developers.
 Is your website GZipped? Need faster, reliable data transfer to rank higher in Google? Have you been told your website is slow? Then use this!
Note:  For number 5 and 6 keep the default settings.

7. W3 total cache plugin - Performance - Extensions 

If you click on Performance - Extensions you will see few plugin that must be install and activated.
1. CloudFlare
2. FeedBurner
3. Genesis Framework
4. WordPress SEO by Yoast

8. Add Expires headers

This does not require a plugin to handle the expires headers (but use one for serving cached files and set the garbage collection to two weeks)
You can do this by add the following code to the .htaccess file.
 <IfModule mod_expires.c>  
   ExpiresActive on  
   ExpiresByType text/css "access plus 60 days"  
   ExpiresByType text/javascript "access plus 60 days"  
   ExpiresByType image/ico "access plus 60 days"  
   ExpiresByType image/jpg "access plus 60 days"  
   ExpiresByType image/jpeg "access plus 60 days"  
   ExpiresByType image/gif "access plus 60 days"  
   ExpiresByType image/png "access plus 60 days"  
   ExpiresByType text/css "access plus 60 days"  
   ExpiresByType text/html "access plus 60 days"  

According to W3 Total Cache plugin a complete pack of expires headers as follows:

 <IfModule mod_expires.c>  
   ExpiresActive On  
   ExpiresByType text/css A31536000  
   ExpiresByType application/x-javascript A31536000  
   ExpiresByType text/x-component A31536000  
   ExpiresByType text/html A3600  
   ExpiresByType text/richtext A3600  
   ExpiresByType image/svg+xml A3600  
   ExpiresByType text/plain A3600  
   ExpiresByType text/xsd A3600  
   ExpiresByType text/xsl A3600  
   ExpiresByType text/xml A3600  
   ExpiresByType video/asf A31536000  
   ExpiresByType video/avi A31536000  
   ExpiresByType image/bmp A31536000  
   ExpiresByType application/java A31536000  
   ExpiresByType video/divx A31536000  
   ExpiresByType application/msword A31536000  
   ExpiresByType application/ A31536000  
   ExpiresByType application/x-msdownload A31536000  
   ExpiresByType image/gif A31536000  
   ExpiresByType application/x-gzip A31536000  
   ExpiresByType image/x-icon A31536000  
   ExpiresByType image/jpeg A31536000  
   ExpiresByType application/ A31536000  
   ExpiresByType audio/midi A31536000  
   ExpiresByType video/quicktime A31536000  
   ExpiresByType audio/mpeg A31536000  
   ExpiresByType video/mp4 A31536000  
   ExpiresByType video/mpeg A31536000  
   ExpiresByType application/ A31536000  
   ExpiresByType application/x-font-otf A31536000  
   ExpiresByType application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.database A31536000  
   ExpiresByType application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.chart A31536000  
   ExpiresByType application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.formula A31536000  
   ExpiresByType application/ A31536000  
   ExpiresByType application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.presentation A31536000  
   ExpiresByType application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet A31536000  
   ExpiresByType application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text A31536000  
   ExpiresByType audio/ogg A31536000  
   ExpiresByType application/pdf A31536000  
   ExpiresByType image/png A31536000  
   ExpiresByType application/ A31536000  
   ExpiresByType audio/x-realaudio A31536000  
   ExpiresByType image/svg+xml A31536000  
   ExpiresByType application/x-shockwave-flash A31536000  
   ExpiresByType application/x-tar A31536000  
   ExpiresByType image/tiff A31536000  
   ExpiresByType application/x-font-ttf A31536000  
   ExpiresByType audio/wav A31536000  
   ExpiresByType audio/wma A31536000  
   ExpiresByType application/ A31536000  
   ExpiresByType application/ A31536000  
   ExpiresByType application/zip A31536000  
Note: You can change the time

9. Specify image dimensions

What is mean by that?
It means images beeing only resized, but they aren't cropped. That would make your site faster. Instead of loading big image size only to show, lets say 50x50, will make your site load slow. You can add custom image sizes in function.php, and change code in areas that you are using images.
That will need some work, to sort it out.
How to fix that? Yes You can fix this by adding the following code in functions.php
 add_image_size( 'thumbnail-new', 220, 180, true );  
 add_image_size( 'thumb', 600, 350, true );  
 add_image_size( 'thumbnil', 600, 350, true );  
 add_image_size( 'medium', 600, 350, true );  
 add_image_size( 'large', 600, 350, true );  
 add_image_size( 'post-thumbnail', 600, 350, true );  
 add_image_size( '{custom-image-type}', 600, 350, true );  
 function _remove_script_version( $src ){  
 $parts = explode( '?', $src );  
 return $parts[0];  
 add_filter( 'script_loader_src', '_remove_script_version', 15, 1 );  
 add_filter( 'style_loader_src', '_remove_script_version', 15, 1 );  

10. Enable Keep-Alive

How to Enable Keep Alive? We can do this by htaccess. Access the .htaccess file wich you can find in the root folder of you WordPress Install, which you can access via FTP.
This is the code that you will need to paste in the .htaccess file in order to enable Keep Alive:
 <IfModule mod_headers.c>  
 Header set Connection keep-alive  
Now, you should paste the code directly below "#END WordPress" Please be sure to paste it only  after this line or you WILL break  your website which will return a 500 server error.

Result after all this


Saturday, June 18, 2016

How to increase your new blog web traffic?

Actually one of the way by which I become successful to increase my blog traffic, is because of SEONICK tool. You need to spend little amount of money for that, but this will give you high ranking on search engine. I am sharing with you guys the detail information, how it work from one useful post of their blog. Please read that and I hope this will help you too.  
There is one tool, that I found and want to share with you guys by who will give you a simple SEO strategy. Through their case study in 9 months the site reached to 100, 000 unique visitors. They create a new site, in Japanese, and still they got tremendous success. 
You can find the graph of their website  as given , the visitors overviews, which is quite interesting.
If you click on the link in references,  the got 2, 000 unique visitor in one month, with no promotion and advertising.
After nine month they reached to 100,000 visitors with no sign of slowing down what they says in their post.
You can get free SEO quote for your website with link Get a free SEO quote for your website , When you click on this link you will see a form look like that

SEO Consulting Services that get results form
Register and pay little amount of money, and after you will have statistics for your site like that shown in the picture.
40 000 visits
We got some press.

100 000 visitors

At the end of July 2012
chart given bellow

In this first 12 days they have 17,000 unique visitors, full month visitors was 50,0000 as shown in the chart given bellow

I it was continuously growing as shown in the chart

At the end of third month they were receiving 100,000 unique visitors, and over 200,000 visits. 
I actually recommend this but if you can spent money, and the man thing is that is to visit to their website, register and see as this is true or not??
Last but not least this will be good for Google Absence, yes if they use SEO and target unique visitors.
Still this will required your strong constant to keep the visitor busy in your site or blog  
I will appreciate if you share your ideas about that, in the comments section, and if you have any good information regarding this please let me know, and share with other bloggers.



Wednesday, June 15, 2016

How to add autoplay background music to WordPress website?

Welcome to this post. You are looking for How to add auto play background music to WordPress website? If yes  then in this post I want to give you a detail description about adding background music to WordPress website. There are different plugins used to add background music to WordPress.  Most of the WordPress users will have this complaint that why background music auto play is not working on mobile, because auto play is not desirable on mobile devices. The reason is that the auto play event on mobile trigger extra cost for the mobile device owner. For that sake most of the popular plugins are fail to fulfill this demand. According to my research the good and most widely used plugin is Soundy Background Music plugin, which will be discuss in this post. I will also show you the most easy custom way to add background music which will work both on desktop computer as well as on mobile.

Popular plugins used to add background music

1. Soundy Background Music

This plugin allows any page or post to play a background sound on that can be play auto but only work on desktop computer.
Click on here to access this plugin.
If the background much is not auto play on your mobile, after using this plugin the easy solution is to add the background music by custom why.

How to add background music by custom method?

Yes it is possible. You need to add the following JavaScript code in the dead tag of your website. If you are using WordPress, go to header.php and in between <head></head> past the following code.
<script type="text/javascript">
function autoPlay() {
window.addEventListener('load', autoPlay);
<audio id="my-audio" src="" autoplay></audio>
In the last line of code you can see the horse.mp3, replace this with your audio file.
you can easily upload your audio file, to WordPress site via Media/upload option and then copy url of your file and replace with link.

HTML/PHP website

If you want to add this to HTML/PHP website the add this code in the head section of index.html/index.php. I hope this will help you and you will enjoy it.
If you need more help please contact me via contact page, I will help you to solve your issue. I hope that now you will have no issue about How to add autoplay background music to WordPress website?

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